Thanks for reading things I write on a [redacted] basis. This is a medium that’s familiar but not terribly formal in my mind. So we’ll see what happens here. This is a collection of short essays that I publish. Sometimes I edit them, and sometimes I don’t. But in essence, I know that the written (or typed) word is a vessel of sorts for the transference and translations of messages far beyond my comprehension into a digestible written form. I also love words, so there’s that.
I’ll try not to make this too long-winded, but thank you to A.G.D, for your guidance, to J.V.L, for revealing to me that words (even mine) have the power I couldn’t have imagined, and to JNM for being everything she is, for doing this first. and to Yrsa Daley-Ward. For being herself, and introducing me to this platform.
E basta. Read, don’t read. The choice is yours. But if you do, tell me what you think.
Please do not DM me if you read my work. Send me an email. Or a letter, or find a homing pigeon - anything but Instagram, I beg of you. It would shatter my beloved illusion that this writing on this platform is my brave act of shouting into the void. I needn’t be disillusioned so soon.
Some housekeeping if you do choose to read…
If you can’t find the newsletter, check your spam folder. And please mark this address as ‘not spam.’ If the newsletter isn’t in your spam folder, either, you should look in the Promotions tab.
If you find yourself described in this writing, your full, real name will never be used unless I have your consent to do so. If you’d like to speak to me about having your likeness (because that is what it is; a written likeness) removed from any of my publications, we can talk about that.
You can always see all my posts on the website.
Thanks again, and please tell a few friends if you feel like it.